Bearded Dragon
Living Art by Frank Payne
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
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Lygodactylus williamsi are a beautiful small day gecko from the remote Kimboza forest in Tanzania. Due to deforestation and overcollection williamsi are critically endangered in the wild. Rest assured that all of my williamsi offered for sale are captive bred by me in my home.If you have been keeping up with the status of williamsi you know that this species has recently been placed on CITES Appendix 1. This means that they will become increasingly difficult to acquire as no new williamsi will be able to enter the country, probably ever. When setting up my breeding group I took the care and time to collect founding stock from five different unrelated CBB sources. I keep my breeders only as pairs and keep very detailed records. I know the lineage, lay date, hatch date, and incubation temperature range of every gecko I produce and sell. You will receive all of this information when you purchase any of my geckos.
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Spearpoint leaftail geckos (Uroplatus ebenaui) is the smallest and one of the hardiest species of leaftail geckos. They are also extremely prolific, making them an excellent captive breeding project! They are extremely active at night and possess amazing camouflage adaptations. A real joy to keep. I have put together a large and genetically diverse breeding group. My goal is to be the primary producer of this species in 2022 and beyond. I have a detailed YouTube video I made outlining their care and breeding on my channel:
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